Welcome to Cabin Spots. Thank you for being so patient as we repopulate our entire website. Rest assured (pun intended) that when you check out our site in the future, it will offer legit cabin information, cabin destination reviews, and real-world travel tips from not only avid cabin renters but actual cabin owners too!
The Cabin Spots team will provide articles written by log house experts on the various features and styles of cabins and relevant log cabin information to assist you with cabin rental destinations or perhaps building your own cabin. Log homeowners, builders, and guests inspire these cabin articles. They include practical, hands-on guidance and cabin knowledge from industry professionals. We’ll also include log cabin stories submitted by site visitors like you!
Please feel free to share your log cabin stories with us, including images if possible. We’ll review and potentially post your stories (with permission, of course) here so that everyone can learn from your travel experiences. Good and bad! Tell us about your best cabin getaways, where you recommend renting a log cabin, challenges with building your log home, or anything else related to the cabin community.
Happy and Safe Travels!